A New Aesthetic:

Embrace the Grit Fashion Show

Pima Fashion Show

Fashion Show

Overview: The fashion show runway event is an opportunity for students to showcase their design skills and creativity. The event will take place in a large auditorium with a stage, runway, and seating for an audience of approximately 500 people. The aesthetic we are aiming for is grungy, collage, colorful, edgy, ripped papers, and lost objects. We wanted to convey a sense of rebellion and nonconformity through our designs.

Objectives: Our primary objective is to create a visually striking and memorable event that captures the essence of the grunge aesthetic. We want to create a design that will resonate with our target audience, which is primarily made up of young people who are interested in fashion and culture.

Design Considerations:

  • Color Palette: We want to use a bold color palette that includes bright hues, bold contrast, and clashing colors to create a chaotic yet cohesive look. We will draw inspiration from the grunge movement, known for its use of bold and contrasting colors.

  • Typography: Our typography should be bold, legible, and eye-catching. We will use typography as a way to convey the rebellious and nonconformist nature of the event.

  • Imagery: We will use a combination of photography and illustration to create a collage-style look. We will incorporate ripped paper, torn edges, and found objects to create a sense of rawness and authenticity. Photography will be bold, dynamic, edgy with an attitude.

  • Layout: Our layout should be dynamic and engaging, utilizing a variety of design elements to create a sense of movement and energy. We will experiment with different compositions and arrangements to create a unique and visually striking design.

  • Copywriting: Our copy should be concise, informative, and engaging. We will focus on creating headlines and taglines that capture the rebellious and nonconformist spirit of the event.


  • Poster: An 18 x 20 inch poster that promotes the event and showcases the participating designers.

  • Sponsorship Packet: An 8.5 x 11 inch trifold brochure that includes information about the event, the participating designers, and sponsorship information.

  • Social Media Graphics: A set of graphics that can be used to promote the event on social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook.

  • Event t-Shirt

  • Staff Badge


Wink Eyewear


Social Media